Saturday, April 5, 2008

OHM Logo

This is a painting I did for an international Jazz fusion band called OHM, with Chris Poland from MegaDeath, Kofi Baker (son of Ginger Baker of Cream) and Robertino Pagliari. this is their tour T-Shirt design.

Earth Bound

This pic is an album cover design I produced for "Craig S. Snyder of Rochester NY. he's a phenomenal guitarist and an equally phenomenal person.

Bull Dog

This is a logo I designed for a local used car company, "Bates Automotive" in Canandagua. the one on top is the original Idea in pencil and the bottom pic is the finished bulldog as it appears on the sign that can be seen from the road.


I call this image Smog, after the dragon from "the Hobbit" cartoon movie. I call him that because of the way he seems to magically manifest himself from the smog of the crystal ball lying on the floor beneath him.


This is an Air-brush painting on a sweatshirt, of a very intimidating Genie, he looks as though he might be trying to deny you entry to your favorite night spot, (be careful.)

Mega Star

Mega Star is one of my favorite characters to draw, I like the way his cape only covers one of his shoulders, like a Greek toga. His colors are heroic as well as American and his image strikes fear into the hearts of those who would do us harm.Because let's face it, the only real thing that super heroes can do for any of us is look cool, so I created him to do just that.


This is a character I like to call HAZZARD, I call him that because it's his name. He is my psychotic probably kill you if you piss him off too much kind of Super Hero...You know kinda like BATMAN, but worse.Hazzard can fly, he comes from another universe and his powers affect your central nervous system, and that's just the beginning. (take some of that)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Power Storm

This Character is called "as you can see" Power Storm, this particular picture is his third, fourth, maybe even tenth incarnation. I find that when I'm creating a Super Hero I'm only satisfied for the time being... so stay tuned for further changes to his persona.

Fall John

This illustration was created for the book John Abernathy, the one I spoke of in my profile. It depicts John, the main character running away and unable to retain his balance due to his handicap after being teased by the story's bully.

Smalley No!!

This is a shot of the story's bully "Smalley" who inadvertently falls from a cliff after making fun of the main character- John. He realizes the error of his ways and sets out to find him after he'd run off, upset at being teased.

Grab Hold

I particularly like this picture because of the emotion that can be felt and seen in John's face as he tries to save Smalley in spite of his wrong doing. All of these illustrations were done in watercolor and sharpie on typing paper.

Death By Blade

Pencil Drawing of a vampire skull pinned to the ground by his attacker to be watched as he disintegrates in the upcoming sunlight.